This is just a reminder that Linguistics Career Launch 2024 is happening SOON – July 15-26, 2024. If you’re a linguist looking for a job outside academia, LCL24 is THE two-week event that will jump start your career journey. LCL events are open to undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and alums — in short, any linguists who want to transition from academia to industry.
There will be workshops, panels, interviews, and even financial planning sessions! Here’s a selection of what’s on offer:
- Networking for Introverts
- Finding Alternative Careers through Content Creation
- Leveraging LinkedIn
- Getting Familiar with Gen-AI
- Negotiating Salary and Benefits
- Chat GPT, your job search assistant
- How to Taxonomy: Bringing useful order to less useful chaos
and two open discussions:
Everything about work environments that you were afraid to ask
But what KIND of degree?
In which we tackle the ubiquitous question: Should I get a PhD or a masters? What’s right for me?
We’ll also have two courses, each of which will meet six times during LCL:
- Document Design & Usability 101, taught by Dr. Nancy Frishberg: The class project is revising the California Olive Oil Council’s (COOC) Seal Certification Kit for extra virgin olive oil, as shown on its website
- Career Discernment, taught by Dr. Anna Marie Trester: Learn how to demonstrate how your unique set of skills – from critical thinking to cross-cultural competency – make you invaluable in any professional setting.
Early-bird registration for hashtag#LCL24 is ending on 6/24! Get your ticket before prices go up. Or take advantage of the special early bird group rate: save over $100 by registering 4 people together! Register as a department or with friends.
Tickets are available at Eventbrite.
Please visit LinguisticsCareerLaunch.com for more information!